How do I price my services?

Here is the basic formula:
$ = blank + 10% blank insurance + $1/1000 stitches + $5 set-up fee + $1/applique fabric

First, I consider the blank item to be monogrammed. This is not only how much the item costs, but also includes sales tax and a % added for insurance. As good as my machine is, there is always the possibility that it will ruin a shirt in the blink of an eye, and that blank will need to be replaced. I do not necessarily get the cheapest blanks available, because lower quality blanks lead to lower quality embroidery. You nor I would be happy with the result.

The next thing to consider is the design. More intricate designs require more intricate stitching. This means more time and thread. I do not set up my machine and walk away. I set up the design and stay with it while it works so that I can catch mishaps before causing major damage. Some designs can take an hour just to stitch, which does not include the time changing different thread colors and cutting excess thread.

I charge a $5 set-up fee to cover the time and materials involved in setting up the design and putting the item in the hoop. Stabilizer is used for every design but the type of stabilizer depends on the intricacy of the embroidery and the material to which it is being applied. This also helps to aid in the cost of needles, bobbin thread, machine maintenance, and other things.

If the design is an applique, there is a $1 per fabric charge. This covers the cost of the fabric as well as the time setting up the fabric and cutting away excess.

PGSA Logo Polo Shirt:
$5 set-up fee + $10 blank polo + $5 (4,985 stitches) = $20

This request also included a custom logo taken from an image and digitized to produce an embroidery design. The cost for digitizing was an additional charge. I have done multiple shirts, and charged $20 for each shirt, but charged once for digitizing the design. Once the design is digitized, it can be replicated as many times as necessary. Designs that are strictly words or designs that I already have on file are not considered additional custom items. The digitizing charge only applies when a new design must be made using a computer program to complete a customer's order. Charges for this service vary depending on complexity, size, number of colors, and other factors. Please contact me for more information.

-Thanks, Jordyn